Friday, June 17, 2011

Musee d'Orsay + Villa Savoy = Excellent

Today was a blast.  Musee d’Orsay was the first stop. This museum was spectacular! I loved the works inside of it. From all of the museums we have seen so far that was one of my favorites. I loved all of the works inside of it. This museum is known for the works that are there. Some of the art that may be recognized would be works from familiar artists like Van Gough, Monet and Manet. They were not the only artisans who had work featured in the museum there were so many other amazing works as well. I really enjoyed walking around and looking at the artwork. The emotion in the art was so alive.

There was also works from the style of art nouveau, which was breathtaking. I think it would have been really cool to see what it was like to live in the day when art nouveau was really popular but I don’t think I could be around it all the time. Art nouveau is very dramatic and overwhelming.
It was a really cool place and it wasn’t as crowded as some other places we have seen like The Louvre. 

Musee d'Orsay
This elephant in the front of Musee d'Orsay reminded me of my Grandpa I LOVE IT
Musee d'Orsay
While we were there we weren’t allowed to take pictures but that did not stop us from sketching what we wanted. So while Laura was sketching some wings on a sculpture I started to sketch the shield on the molding in the ceiling. I love taking time to sketch so that I can fully digest what is around me. We were not the only ones sketching though, there were other people who were sketching and there was this girl who was painting one of the paintings and it looked almost identical.

After Musee d’Orsay we went to Villa Savoy. Villa Savoy was designed by Le Corbusier and is amazing.  It was like a candy shop for interior designers. We all walked up to the house like we were about to be given a million dollars that was how excited we were to see the house. It was so nice being able to see the actual building instead of just a picture.

VIlla Savoy
The sexy staircase at Villa Savoy

Villa Savoy
Me lounging at Villa Savoy
Just chillin' at Villa Savoy 
My staircase entrance
After an exciting day we topped it all off with a movie night watching Young Victoria. I LOVE LOVE LOVE that movie!!! Plus it was way cool to recognize where they were from the places I have already seen. It was the icing on the cake.

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