Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Lockets of Love: Summer Solstice

Laundry time
Sparks coming from the machines
yay for clean clothes

I thought that yesterday was a slow day but today was even slower. I woke up and did my laundry because everyone likes you better when you don’t stink. The laundry mat was really interesting; it was a blast trying to figure out how to use the machines. It was also expensive so from now on I will never complain about how much it costs me to do laundry at school in Logan.

Zaha Hadid Exhibit
Zaha Hadid Exhibit
After doing laundry some of us decided we wanted to check out the Zaha Hadid Exhibit that was in Paris. Unfortunately by the time that we got there it was closed but the experience getting there was cool all in its own. We went back past the Notre Dame. It was cool seeing the Notre Dame in a different angle. Then we looked at this really cool bridge. It had pad locks all over it. These padlocks all had names on them and were there to symbolize love it was really cool to see. While we were looking we thought it would be fun to see how many times we could find our names.

Lockets of Love 

It was pretty intense trying to get there.  The metro was packed full. As Laura put it, it was like a living death camp from the holocaust. There was so many bodies packed in, when you thought that one more person couldn’t possibly fit on the metro ten more would get on, it was very hot and cramped.

Summer Solstice starting
Another thing that we thought was a little strange today was how crowded the metro was and that there were random music/dance parties going on everywhere. When we got back to the hotel we realized why. Today was summers solstice and of course there are going to be parties. Later that night we went to one. It was an outdoor concert. It was a lot of fun. The people there were all pretty chill so we decided to show them how to rock out at a concert.  Once we got lost in our own little world we had someone come up to us and tell us that we were cool, and that he wanted to be like us.  It was a great experience in Paris.

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